Feedback is essential to effective learning and takes place in many different ways. Improvement is a continual process and takes place within every lesson. Feedback will always be sensitive and constructive, reflecting what has been done well and what needs to be done to improve.
Each subject area sets their own expectations for the method and frequency for feedback at each key stage.
Feedback is most effective when given closest to the moment that students can act upon it, and this can include:
In class questioning and coaching provided during teaching
Marking of specific tasks, with a well-defined focus, often supported by subject feedback sheets
Scores given for particular pieces of work that inform predicted grades, these are shown in Go4Schools
Feedback given in the first part of the lesson to tasks to test how well students remember information
Whole class feedback, often adapted to provide individuals with specific feedback and actions
Peer, computerised and self-marking activities
Clear actions and planned time to complete these are important activities which follow feedback.
We also mark work to recognise students' efforts and to improve students’ written English.
As a minimum, in Key Stage 3 & 4, students will receive visible, actioned feedback each half term in every subject, in addition to regular marking of work to address any misconceptions, recurring mistakes and poor presentation.
This includes regular checks on exercise books, booklets and folders and the regular marking of substantial pieces of work.
All feedback is designed to help students understand the following, and answer these questions:
current strengths - "where am I now?"
what better looks like - "where am I heading?"
how to improve - "what are my next steps?"