During periods of disruption to our normal educational provision, we continue to provide resources and activities to support learning.

We provide access to a number of excellent online systems to support learning throughout the year, which are particularly useful when school is closed. We also develop students ability to review, reflect and prepare for future learning.

The priority for any student who is unwell due to covid is to rest and not to be overly concerned about work during what will usually prove to be a limited amount of time away from school.

Students should first make use of Go4Schools to make sure they are aware of which lessons they would have had that day and that any homework or associated resources are used.

For students in Key Stage 3 (Years 7,8 & 9) information is below and resources listed in the side bar.

For Key Stages 4 (Years 10 & 11) & 5 (Years 12 & 13) students are welcome to contact teachers via email to find out how learning for affected days can most effectively supported. Depending on the subject and stage of teaching this could be via Google Classroom, emailed resources, printed or online tasks or, in some cases, access to the lesson via audio or video. 

Students in all years will also be able to keep up to date with homework via Go4Schools.

During periods of prolonged disruption to our normal educational provision,we have set out our Remote Learning Policy, which outlines how we will commit to provide a continuation of education when face-to-face teaching is not possible.  We have also provided guidance to support our community in how to best help our learners.

Key Stage 3

For students in Key Stage 3 there is a list of suitable activities attached to this page in the resources section.

Useful for all students & parents
Shows individual homework tasks, targets from Academic tutoring and for some subjects feedback to assessments. Email vbloyce@tgschool.net if you need help to login.

Useful for all students
Allows access to Email, online documents and Google Classroom. Can be used on all mobile devices. Email itservicedesk@unitysp.net if you need help accessing your Google or Microsoft Apps.

Email: https://outlook.office.com/mail/

Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/

Useful for students of all ages, especially years 7-9
Great competitive fun while you practise your recall of times tables. Vital for developing fluency. Speak to your Maths teacher if you need help to log in.
Used by students in Year 7-11 for their Maths home learning. When used regularly this tool has a huge impact on developing students Maths skills and aiding their progress. Speak to your Maths teacher if you need help to log in. https://www.sparxmaths.uk/
Offers access to videos to support Maths learning whilse also providing interactive questions with instant feedback. For further study there are also practice questions available to download. Speak to your Maths teacher if you need help to log in. https://vle.mathswatch.co.uk/vle/

All students benefit from regular revision and from developing the skills of working independently.