To support students' development of their confidence and independence we provide a range of homework tasks. Homework supports students’ learning by giving more time for practice and the chance to better remember key information. Homework tasks are added to our online system by teachers and recorded by students in their planners. Homework and revision routines can be supported by:

  • Reviewing the planner and online system to check which tasks are due

  • Planning a regular time to complete work at home, in a consistent quiet space

  • Use the school planner  to monitor homework completion and quality; this includes writing notes to teachers

  • Each day check that students’ have the required books and equipment for lessons

  • Talk about school and how homework connects to lessons and valuable life skills

  • Ask students to explain the homework task before starting it

  • Show students how to find out something for themselves using their books, school resources and online tools

In Key Stage 3 and 4 homework is usually set every second lesson in each subject, and lasts on average:

Year 7: 15-20 minutes
Year 8: 20-25 minutes
Year 9: 25-30 minutes

Year 10: 30-40 minutes
Year 11: 40-50 minutes

Some tasks, for example the development of reading, completion of coursework or use of practice systems, such as Timetable Rockstars or Sparx Learning, may take longer (up to 60 minutes a week). These tasks can be spread out over the week.

There are regular enrichment sessions available to all students in school to complete homework. This is especially helpful where access to equipment or a quiet space may be difficult, or they would value the support of an adult.

If students have been well focused on the task for the set amount of time then families may use the school planner to record this and the student may stop.

If homework is becoming a concern or you have questions about feedback, please contact the relevant teacher or subject leader as soon as possible.