Assessment and reporting has two aims, firstly to recognise students’ achievements and secondly to help identify and plan next steps in their learning.
To accomplish these aims, we regularly publish information and communicate in a range of ways. The most important meetings are those between students, parents and the tutor, at Academic Review Day. Throughout the year the tutor discusses progress with the student and is the primary point of contact for parents. We also welcome any contact, at any time to teachers, Heads of Departments or Heads of House.
A range of people, information and activities
are provided to help you and your child
plan the next steps in their learning, because
what we do each day makes a difference.
Progress Checks
Progress Checks are published four times a year; at the start of the year, at Christmas, Easter and the end of the year.
These include recognition of students approach to learning and homework; a summary of attendance, merits and warnings received; and a statement of how they are progressing in their learning.
For students in Years 10 & 11, this also includes a target for each subject for the end of Year 11 and from Easter of Year 10 we provided a professional predicted grade for their likely performance at the end of Year 11.
Subject teams in Years 7, 8 and 9 will use the most appropriate methods of assessment for their subject. Records of these assessments are avalable in students exercise books or booklets and on Go4Schools.
To help check standards of students work in Maths and English we also use annual nationally standardised tests, these are called PUMA for Maths, and NGRT for English.
Teachers summarise the students approach to learning in their classwork and homework since the previous progress check. Students approach is described as exemplary, positive, inconsistent or unacceptable. If a student’s approach has been unacceptable the parent would have already been contacted by the teacher.
Progress checks also include the names of teachers for each subject, overall attendance figures and totals of positive and negative behaviour points for the year.
To help you review the progress made over a year the planner includes tables to record students’ targets, security judgements and approach to learning.
When reviewing students progres checks please be very encouraging about any improvements, good attendance above 95%, positive behaviour points (merits), positive or exemplary approaches to learning, being on track to meet targets or with secure and extending security judgements.
Approach to Learning on Progress Checks
On Progress Checks we also recognise students' input into their leanring. This is recorded as one of four levels of approach to their classwork and homework.
Exemplary | Always giving of your very best |
Positive | Working well and trying hard |
Inconsistent | Improvements needed |
Unsatisfactory parent(s) & tutor aware | Significant improvement required |
Unable to comment | Usually due to extended absence over the term or attending other activities |
Positive and exemplary approaches should be warmly congratulated and represent a consistently good level of effort.
This online system provides live access to timetables, homework, teacher’s names, recorded assessments and feedback, behaviour points and attendance which is updated at the end of the day. You can access this at and create a student account using your school email address, or create a parent account using details provided on our data collection sheet. If you require any help using Go4Schools please email
Academic Tutoring
Throughout the year students and tutors meet together to review progress and check that key tasks have been completed. These meetings are recorded in Go4Schools.
Feedback in Books
Exercise books are an important record of students’ progress and also contain key vocabulary to learn, recognition of strengths, areas to develop and space to respond to feedback. These will often provide useful information at subject level to help plan specific actions.
Spring Checkpoints and Mock Exams
To help assess progress made over the year and to help prepare students for their final exams at the end of their courses we hold formal end of year and mock examinations.
In maths, English and science for students in years 7, 8 and 9 these are held in the sports hall. Students in year 10 complete mock exams in almost all subjects in March, and year 11 complete mock exams in January.
As well as helping students develop confident routines for revision and exams; end of year exams provide information, alongside other assessments, to help review student groups and next steps for the following year.
Contacting Teachers, Tutors & Heads of House
We welcome contact at any time, and particularly encourage you to email tutors, teachers and Heads of House, who oversee students’ academic progress, as soon as you have a question. Contact details for all staff are available on our school website at