The design & technology team across the trust are offering online masterclasses for year 11 students studying design & technology at GCSE. These sessions are running every Tuesday 4:30-5:30pm with the first session running on Tuesday 7th January. The schedule is shown on the attached sheet along with the link for joining each week.

Students MUST click here to access the masterclass each Tuesday. Here they will be required to fill in their details before a new page is presented with the link for the online masterclass session.

The sessions are being led by experienced teachers, some of whom have experience of working for the exam board. These sessions will cover key topics and exam skills to help students prepare for their mocks and real exams. We are aware that many students are performing well in their NEA (coursework) projects but it is the exam where further support is needed.

Analysis of masterclasses in other subject areas has shown that regular attendance at these sessions supports students not just to meet their target grade but actually exceed their target grade. We have no doubt that these sessions will be beneficial for all students in preparation for exams and mocks, so please do encourage your child to attend.