GCSE Results day and Start of Term Arrangements


Dear Parents/Guardians and students

Due to popular demand GCSE results will now be available for collection for TGS students from 9am on Thursday 22nd August from The Main School Assembly Hall.

For students wishing to register for Sixth Form - You will be required to meet with a member of the Sixth Form Team, to confirm A Level and/or Vocational subject choices. If you are not able to collect your results in person, you can write a letter authorising a family member or friend to collect them on your behalf (TGS students), or you can supply Mrs Crawford in the exams office with a self addressed envelope and she will post them to you. Alternatively, they can be emailed to you by request to Mrs Crawford lcrawford@tgschool.net. You must please email sixthform@tgschool.net to confirm that you wish to take up your place in Sixth Form and confirm the subjects you wish to study.

Staff will be available to discuss results on a first come, first served basis on results day.

Students not from TGS – If you are able to, please attend TGS on results day with proof of your results so that copies can be taken and you can be seen by a member of the Sixth Form team to confirm your subjects. If you are unable to attend on this day, please email sixthform@tgschool.net to confirm that you wish to take up your place in Sixth Form and confirm the subjects you wish to study. Please also provide email confirmation of your GCSE results.

All students commence their first day of Sixth Form on Wednesday 4th September when they should arrive via G Block reception (Sixth Form) for 8.45am.

Summer Tasks

You will be expected to complete a summer task in each of your subjects, in readiness for your first lesson in September. These are available to view on our website www.tgs.net/sixth-form/year-11-into-12-summer-tasks

Dress Code reminder

Clothing should be professional attire.

Students can wear a tie, formal collared shirt, or smart polo shirt, trousers, or smart dresses, separates, smart blouses, shirts or tops. These must all be worn with smart shoes or boots. No trainers or canvas shoes should be worn please.

We look forward to welcoming you in September.

Yours faithfully

Mr K Alexander

Director of Sixth Form