Family Forum Update for 2023/24
Our Success
Thomas Gainsborough Sixth Form’s results at KS5 were the second highest in the county. 80% of our cohort achieved a grade A* - C in their A levels with 41% of students achieving. 3 A levels at A* - C. Our vocational courses achieved an average grade of a Distinction.
Our Sixth Form Offer -
Teaching and Learning
Thomas Gainsborough Sixth Form offers over 40 subjects both in academic and vocational qualifications. Class sizes are small and our expert teachers guide students through their qualifications.
Pastoral Support
Each student is assigned a tutor group and they meet their tutor each morning. The tutor acts as an academic mentor and is the first port of call for any concerns. The tutor groups also take part in PSHE lessons, current affairs, cultural enrichment and a weekly quiz.
Wider Curriculum offer
The school offers the opportunity for students to take part in the EPQ and Duke of Edinburgh programmes. We also encourage each student in the Sixth Form to mentor a lower school student.
Next steps
Thomas Gainsborough School Sixth Form has access to an award winning Careers department. Students are able to meet with our dedicated careers team to get advice and work experience. The school has invested in Morrisby careers advice and guidance online platform.
The Sixth Form also has a dedicated UCAS advisor who gives in depth guidance to complete the UCAS process. 68% of our cohort went to university with 18% of those going to a Russell Group University and 3% going to study at a Oxbridge college.
Teacher - email/phonecall/meeting • Sixth Form Team/Tutors - Attendance/Punctuality • GO4S/Website/Newsletter/Parentmail/Social Media • ARD and Subject Evening • KS5 Tracker • Celebration of Achievement
Via your young person • Teacher-email/phonecall/meeting • Sixth Form Team/Tutor • ARD and Subject Evening
Study spaces
There are a number of places that students are able to work whilst in their study periods.
Junior Common Room
Quiet Study Spaces
Conference study space
Students can also take advantage of the Sixth Form dedicated Cafe 1727 and the Oasis room.
Please find the presentation slides from the KS5 Parents' Forum held on 19th September in the resourses section of the page.