Health and Social Care

BTEC National Level 3 Extended Certificate 

Examination Board: Pearson Edexcel

Course Leader: Mrs J Power

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What Will I Study?

(360 GLH) Equivalent in size to one A level. Four units of which three are mandatory and two are external. Mandatory content (83%). External assessment (58%).

Mandatory and External:

•  Unit 1 - Human Lifespan Development

•  Unit 2 - Working in Health and Social Care

Mandatory and Internal:

•  Unit 5 - Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs

Optional and Internal:

•  Unit14 - Physiological Disorders and their Care

Entry Requirements

•  BTEC Merit- Level 2 from H&SC, Science and PE

•  GCSE English Grade 5, Maths Grade 4

•  5 GCSEs at Grade 4 or above or BTEC equivalent


The course is assessed through a range of assessment types and styles suited to vocational qualifications in the sector. There are three main forms of assessment: internal, external and synoptic. Most units are internally assessed and subject to external standards verification. The styles of external assessment are examination and set tasks. Synoptic assessment requires learners to demonstrate that they can identify and use effectively (in an integrated way) an appropriate selection of skills, techniques, concepts, theories and knowledge from across the whole sector as relevant to a key task. Synoptic units may be internally or externally assessed.

Where Next?

The health and social care sector is a major employer of almost 4 million people in the UK, many of whom are highly skilled. Almost 1.7 million job openings are expected over the period to 2020. It also makes a vital contribution to all other aspects of the economy and society by creating a healthy and productive workforce and by caring for the ageing and the vulnerable. Services provided by the sector will touch every individual and family in the UK.