We hope you have enjoyed, as well as benefited, from the quality CPD via the Norfolk & Suffolk SLP over the years.

Sadly, the Science Learning Partnerships around the country are no longer funded by the Department of Education and all, including Norfolk and Suffolk SLP, will unfortunately close.

However, Cambridge and Peterborough will continue providing training as Science Learning East, please see their flyer attached and join their mailing list: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KbjZ4RaYVEydnK3i2OOqboXq9onDMmhPq_voglHcidBUNDdaUVBNSjdORkQxQ1A3Uk1ITldSMEQ3RC4u and check their website for updates:  https://sites.google.com/view/sciencelearningeast

The Herts, Essex, Beds & MK SLP will continue it's programme of science CPD, networking opportunities and events for schools, teachers and technicians across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes, Essex, Southend and Thurrock,  which previously was offered by the SLP, and will be known as The Science Hub. 


Both welcome schools from Norfolk and Suffolk to subscribe and join any of their CPD opportunities and remain committed to supporting the delivery of a quality science education for young people.