Dear families
We have received confirmation contact from the School Aged Immunisation Team (SAIS) that they will attend our site to administer the Meningitis ACWY and DTP Vaccinations on Tuesday 19th March and Thursday 21st March 2024.
Attached to this correspondence is a letter from the SAIS. Please follow the instructions via the link to complete the relevant consent form (attached). You must respond and either accept or decline the vaccination. Whilst the letter states 7am on 19th March as a deadline, we would request this is completed by 7am on the 18th so a clear plan of when students attend from lessons can be made in advance of the first day.
The E-consent is available for the year 9 pupils only. Please also use if your child is in year 10/11 and has previously missed the vaccinations.
We would advise parents/carers of year 9 students (or 10/11 that complete this consent) to check your spam / junk email for a confirmation email once you have completed the online consent form if this does not appear in your inbox.
Please contact Mrs H. Beer at student services should you have any questions or if you need to discuss this further.
Yours sincerely
Mr C Appleford
Deputy Headteacher