In the resources section of this page you will find a range of tasks for students to complete doing the summer.
The Year 7 & 8 Tasks will support all students with their choice of work to help prepare for september and consolidate learning from the year.
The Year 9 Tasks are designed to introduce important topics and skills in preparation for September. If your child needs confirmaiton of which option courses they will be studying please email Mr Ryall,
The Year 10 Tasks are important to consolidate learning from the year and give students a secure start in September, without another long gap in students learning.
Each document includes a tasks which also remind students of the wide range of opportunities to invest in their physical and important wellbeing. We wish every student a relaxed, safe and enjoyable break and know that for many families this also introduces the opportunity to continue their learning.
Year 10 students are also welcome to sign up to come into school the the Summer Academic Programme by signing up at