Holiday Programme Contact number - 07990 900598
Thomas Gainsborough School is running a 4 week, fun activities program over the summer. This programme is supported by Suffolk County Council who have received funding from from the Department of Education.
It will run Monday through Thursday from 27th July until 20th August, from 10 am until 2 pm and, as well as a range of fun smal group activities, lunch will be provided.
Children are welcome to attend as many or as few of the days as you'd like. All the sessions will take place on school grounds, and we will be based in G Block (Sixth Form Building, by Car Park C off Wells Hall Road).
The programme is initally being promoted to children in years 7 to 9, athough younger siblings currently in Y6 can also attend.
Below is a link to a google form, to register your interest in the holiday club. It will ask you for your child's information, your own contact information, and the dates you would like your child to attend. Please fill out a seperate form for every child who you would like to attend the holiday club.
We have also attached a physical consent form, which is part of the google form, for you to sign and return to us when your child(ren) attends their first session, these will also be available from us on the day.
We are offering 20 places on each day, unfortunately, due to high demand, we may not be able to accommodate all requests for spaces, so please try and book early. You will receive an email letting you know when/if your child will be able to attend our holiday club.
To minimise the risks associated with young people meeting together we are following the same government guidelines as schools, and the guidelines published for out of school settings. You can read full government guide for parents here.
The key measures in place are:
- minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms do not attend their setting;
- encouraging staff and children attending to clean their hands more often than usual, including before and after activities and before and after using toilet/washroom facilities;
- cleaning frequently touched surfaces more often than usual;
- increased frequency of cleaning of toilets and washrooms, with sole use of specific toilets for the duration of the programme;
- minimising contact and mixing between groups of children by altering the spacing of desks to allow for social distancing between children.
If your child is not able to attend for a booked session please give us as much notice as possible, by telephoning 07990 900598.
The project is funded by the Department for Education and we will be required to send them a summary of the students attending. The summarised information itself does not contain any personal data from which
your child can be identified. Full details are in the Privacy Notice attached to this page, this is in addition to the usual school policies which we will follow.
A member of staff will be carrying a mobile phone everyday, the number is 07990 900598, and may be used to contact you. You are also welcome to ring this number if you need to speak to us during the day.