Spanish Department Team

Department Leader:

Mrs L Hurtado-Read

Spanish Teachers:

Mrs L Hurtado-Read:  

Mr L Hurtado-Read,

Examination Board: Pearson Edexcel 


Paper 1: Listening (25%)

Foundation: 35 mins + 5 mins reading time

50 marks

Higher: 45 mins + 5 mins reading time

50 marks 

Paper 2: Speaking (25%)

Foundation: 7-9 mins + 12 mins preparation time

70 marks

Higher: 10-12 mins + 12  mins preparation time

70 marks

Paper 3: Reading (25%)

Foundation: 45 mins

50 marks

Higher: 1 hour

50 marks

Paper 4: Writing (25%)

Foundation: 1h15

60 marks

Higher: 1h20

60 marks

Co-curricular aftter school clubs

Monday Languages GCSE Revision 204
Tuesday Spanish GCSE Revision 205
Wednesday Spanish GCSE Revision 205
Thursday Spanish GCSE Revision 205
Friday Spanish GCSE Revision 205

Next steps

February Half Term

Memorise your 1-minute presentation

Complete your speaking booklet and practise all 5 themes

W/C March 10th

Speaking Mock Exam: There are three tasks which must be conducted in the following order:

Task 1 – a role play based on one topic that is allocated by Pearson.

Task 2 – questions based on a picture stimulus based on one topic that is allocated by Pearson.

Task 3 – conversation based on two themes. The first theme is based on the topic chosen by the student in advance of the assessment; this includes a 1-minute presentation. The second theme is allocated by Pearson.

March & April

Revision during lessons and co-curricular sessions following a personalised plan following feedback from mock exams.

April 28th - May 10th

Paper 2 Speaking

June 10th

Paper 1 Listening

Paper 3 Reading

June 17th Paper 4 Writing

How parents and carers can best support their child

  • Encourage students to follow a revision timetable at home.
  • Encourage students to attend co-curricular sessions regularly.
  • Encourage students to use their revision guides regularly. They can bring their work and get extra merit points for every topic they complete:
  1. Spanish Revision Guide: This book offers clear explanations and vocabulary lists for every theme of the exam, as well as the grammar needed to get ready for A Level.
  2. Spanish Revision Workbook: This books has exam-type questions on every topic explained in the Revision Guide. It also has practice papers and links to audio files to improve their listening skills.
  • Contact subject teachers if you are concerned about a student’s progress.
  • Encourage students to use the following websites for additional exam practice.






Learning Links

Complete the draft of your one-minute presentation ready for your speaking exam.

This is the only part of the assessment which must be learnt by heart.

Following this, continue with answering the general conversation questions in your booklet and practising them on a daily basis.

These answers will be very useful for your Writing and Speaking papers.



How to ACE your Spanish Speaking GCSE exam - TOP TIPS

Spanish 20 Keys: Use this to add variety to your answers.

Task 1 Role Play Booklet: You could use this booklet to practise.

Task 3 Speaking Booklet: You need to complete this booklet to prepare for the general conversation. This will also help you with your writing practice. 

Make sure you are using Memrise to get through the relevant GCSE Vocabulary



Vocab Recall

Module 1 Memrise

Module 2 Memrise  

Module 3 Memrise 

Module 4 Memrise 

Module 5 Memrise 

Module 6 Memrise

Module 7 Memrise

Module 8 Memrise   

Complete past papers (Pearson Edexcel website) and try your exam techniques and check against mark schemes.

Exam practise

Edexcel GCSE Past Papers

Get used to the speed of spoken Spanish by listening to relevant podcasts and radio stations


Spotify Latin Playlist

Easy Spanish YouTube Channel 

Use online grammar websites to practise the types of constructions that you will use in the writing and speaking examinations




Spanish Grammar Exercises