Course leader: Sarah Luxon,
Examination Board: AQA


Combined Science: Biology B1, Chemistry C1, Physics P1. All 1 hour 15 minutes hour long, black pen, ruler, calculator and protractors are required

Triple Science: Biology B1, Chemistry C1, Physics P1.  All 1 hour 45 minutes hour long, black pen, ruler, calculator and protractors are required

Additional support being provided by school

Co-curricular sessions every Friday from 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm. More details are available from your science teacher and on on our enrichment page at

How parents and carers can best support their child

  1. Ensure your child has created and is following a revision timetable.

  2. Buy revision guide(s) and/or flashcards.

  3. Encourage the use of the TGS Google Student Support Classrooms (GCSE Biology Student Support,GCSE Chemistry Student Support & GCSE Physics Student Support).  These Classrooms contain in depth resources to help support the learning, the revision and the practice of application questions on all the content in GCSE Science for both Combined Science and Triple Science students.

  4. Ensure your child completes practice exam papers that are supplied and creates a list of topics they need to revise.


  • The Google Classrooms contain links to online resources such as:

    • Seneca Learning

    • Cognito Science

    • Free Science Lessons

    • Quizlet

  • GCSE Pod has videos on all sections of the AQA science course 

  • Textbooks from CGP Books are available for the course.  Revision guides and flashcards from CGP are also available through school and Amazon.  These are the links for the textbooks

Combined Science Grade 9-1 GCSE Combined Science for AQA Physics Student Book
Physics Grade 9-1 GCSE Physics for AQA: Student Book

Decide Commit Succeed



Revision Activity 

Skill Developed

Review: your knowledge using a checklist of the topic you have chosen. There is a separate checklist for Combined and Triple. On the Combined checklist it indicates what sections are Higher content.

Self awareness

Learn: Choose a topic and watch the Teaching videos on Cognito. Make notes on the key ideas and review using a revision guide.

Effective note taking. 

Revise: Use the Quizlet online flashcards to revise the key concepts of your chosen topic. Practice over time, recording your success to gauge your level of retention.

Spaced learning

Apply: Practise what you have learnt using CGP exam style questions on your chosen topic.

Exam craft

Use the Review, Learn, Revise, Apply method on other topics within Science. There is a Google classroom for each Science. Please do ask your Science teachers for any help you may require.

Independent study skills