Course leader: Mrs Fairs,

Teachers: Mr J Waterhouse,, Mrs Wood, 
Examination Board: AQA


AQA religious Studies: Specification A

Paper 1 ‘The Study of Religions: Beliefs, Teachings and Practices’ 

1 hour 45 mins

Paper 2 ‘Thematic Studies’ 

1 hour 45 mins


The course is assessed 100% by external examination. Marks are awarded for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar in the extended answer questions in both exams.

Additional support being provided by school

Exam board approved revision guides have been purchased for every student.

A bespoke revision guide created by JWo and a team of RE teachers

Knowledge organisers have been provided to every student.

Every lesson includes either detailed knowledge checks or exam practice.

All students have a revision folder, with a checklist of revision tasks to complete.

A range of revision resources uploaded to google classroom to print and complete.

Specification checklist in books, on google classroom and in revision folder.

How parents and carers can best support their child

Encourage students to practice some sample exam questions (there are lots in the revision guide) and submit the material to me for marking.

Talk about the issues that are raised in the Themes for Paper 2 - e.g. Crime and Punishment, Matters of Life and Death, Social justice and Relationships

Using the checklist on google classroom (students have a copy) test them on key words and key influences in religion.

Ensure the revision tasks on the front of the folders have been completed.


AQA Religious Studies

BBC Bitesize 


Decide Commit Succeed


Revision Activity 

Skill Developed

Exam/Topic Link

Useful learning Link

Knowledge Recall for both Paper 1 and Paper 2

Complete knowledge quiz for each topic and knowledge organisers. 

AO1 - Knowledge

Paper 1 and Paper 2

Link here


Link here

Complete quote sheets - Once using the revision guide, learn them, then once without the revision guide.

AO1- Knowledge

Paper 1 and Paper 2 

Quote sheet here

Using the past question in these revision guides, practice 4, 5 and 12 markers. At least 3 of each

A01 - knowledge

AO2- explanation

Paper 1 and Paper 2

Questions here

Seneca - work through units for each topic.


Paper 1 (Christianity and Islam only)


Paper 2  (Themes A, B, E and F only)

AO1 - Knowledge

A02 - explanation

Paper 1 

Paper 2  

Paper 1 link


Paper 2 link 

Create a mind-map for each topic. Start by doing this from memory and then use a different colour pen to fill in any gaps. Include as many key words and quotes as you can. 

A01 - Knowledge

Paper 1 and Paper 2

Work through the influences sheet for Christian and Islamic beliefs

Paper 1 - influence

Paper 1 

Influences sheet here