We are able to provide a limited number of spaces for private exam canddiates each year.

For students wishing to achieve Maths or English qualifications we recommend that they sit exams from Edexcel for Maths, or AQA for English. We are also able to accomodate students completing exams form other exam boards, including Eduqas, OCR and Cambridge Internation Examinations.

To help cover the costs of invigilation and adminstration we charge fees starting from £30, although exams with practical componenets or multiple papers, or additional support to students will have additional costs.

To register for entries please use the forms linked on this webpage.

The deadline for November 2024 has now passed.

The deadline for entries for June 2025 is 31 January.

If you have any questions please contact our exams team on exams@tgschool.net