Dear families,

We are looking forward to welcoming year 6 to Thomas Gainsborough School for our Transition week next week. 

Just a few helpful reminders ahead of Monday:

  • Our school day begins at 8.45am and students should be lined up at the flags by the main school building for this time. They are welcome to arrive onto the site from 8.30am and we will have staff around the school site directing students to the right location from 8.30am.

  • If students are arriving by bus, a TGS staff member will be on each bus route on Monday morning from the first collection point to ensure they are no issues. Staff will then direct them from the bus park when they arrive at TGS. 

  • Students should be wearing their TGS PE tops in their house colour along with their normal primary school skirt, shorts or trousers and shoes. There should be no jewellery worn except for a small single pair of stud earrings and a watch. If it is cool, they are welcome to wear an appropriate jumper over the top. Any coats will need to be left in school bags during the time they are inside the building. 

  • Students should bring cash for any food purchases at break or lunchtimes. Please see your family guide and previously shared information regarding prices or check our website. Those entitled to a free school meal will be given a token for each day worth £2.40 to spend at the catering outlets. Students are also welcome to bring their own food/packed lunch. 

  • Please bring a pencil case with pens, pencils etc.

  • If students are unwell and unable to attend on any day, please do let us know.

We look forward to an exciting week with them.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Naomi Gilligan

Assistant Headteacher