We hope you are enjoying the half term. Here is a reminder of some key information about the forthcoming few weeks and about GCSE results day. 

To help support you in your next steps to Sixth Form, college or apprenticeships we have collected a range of useful activities for you to complete while you are working at home after May half-term.

If you would like any further support please contact:

  • your Head of House (for references, or to ask questions about Prom, Graduation or awarding of grades)
  • Mrs Osborne, kosborne@tgschool.net (for support in college applications or university guidance)
  • Mr Alexander, kalexander@tgschool.net (for more information about Sixth Form and A Level choices) 

The activities for you to complete are available on this wesbite at www.tgschool.net/next-steps and as a Padlet, which can be viewed easily on a mobile phone using the Padlet app:

You will also find on the resources section of this page information about iDEA which is a digital entrepreneur award. It is an easily accessible, interesting and valuable collection of activities. It helps you develop and demonstrate skills which can be excellent evidence for future employers, colleges and universities and add to your Record of Achievement. 

You can access the resources at www.idea.org.uk using your school Google login details.

Students who have applied to our Sixth Form will receive an invitation to join a google classroom during the next half term for their chosen A Level and BTEC subjects which will provide them information about their summer tasks (preparation activities for September which must be completed).

We will also be sending further information regarding their Sixth Form induction day which is on Monday July 5th.

GCSE results day is Thursday 12 August and results will be available for collection from the main school hall from 9am. Students who are unable to collect their results in person must inform Mr Marshall, our exams officer, at amarshall@tgschool.net and he will email the results via their school email address. Please be aware that this will not be until later in the day.

Senior Leadership will be available on the day to answer any questions and the Sixth Form Team will be present to confirm Sixth Form places and subject choices. The appeals process regarding GCSE grades is available on our website at www.tgschool.net/awarding-grades. Please do not contact individual subject teachers about the GCSE grades as they will not be able to discuss them with you.

We look forward to seeing many parents and students at their Graduation and Prom where we will mark officially Year 11's time at Thomas Gainsborough school.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us.