29 January 2024

Dear Families

Re: Measles

You may have read or heard that cases of measles are increasing in England currently and while cases in Suffolk are currently low, we should prepare for and protect against the potential for increased cases.

If your child has not been fully vaccinated with the MMR vaccine it is a good time to get this done to protect them.

This can be arranged through the child’s GP practice or by booking an appointment directly by calling the Community and School Aged Immunisation Service on 0300 555 5055, option 3. The service also welcomes email enquiries to hct.csaissuffolk@nhs.net

You can check your child is up to date with their MMR vaccinations by looking at their personal health record (Red Book) or by asking their GP.

The early symptoms of measles can look like other illnesses: runny nose; cough; conjunctivitis. The child may also have a high fever. The distinctive rash of measles begins around day 3 of the illness, a rash of flat red or brown blotches appear, beginning on the face, behind the ears and spreading over the body.

Any child thought to have measles should not be sent to school. Where possible NHS 111 or the GP should be phoned for advice, rather than visiting the surgery or A&E. This is to avoid passing the infection on to others. Further details about measles can be found at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/

Yours faithfully

Stuart Keeble

Director of Public Health and Community

Suffolk County Council