Staff are providing additional sessions to support revision during the May break.
Complete this form or sign up online using the Google Form below.
Uniform not required, come pepped with subject resources, arrive through the small gate near main reception & then the piano door to sign in.

Tutor Group:
Google Form Please tick the sessions you plan to attend.
Date Time Subject (Tier) Topic Room Teacher

Wednesday, 29 May

10:00 - 12:00

Chemistry (Triple) Paper 2 115 EHO
English Language Paper 2 Section A Qu 4 301 CBR

13:00 - 15:00

Chemistry (Triple) Paper 2 115 EHO
English Language Paper 2 Section B Qu 5 301 CBR
Thursday, 30 May 10:00 - 12:00 Maths Paper 2 Focus 104 CRY

Friday, 31 May

10:00 - 12:00

Maths 11E5 Paper 2 Focus 103 CHF
Physics (Triple) Paper 2 218 KWA