Dear parents,

I hope that you have had an enjoyable Christmas.

I am sure you are aware of the government announcements regarding the start of the new term so I wanted to confirm the arrangements we have put in place for Thomas Gainsborough School.



Monday 4 January
Staff Training day. No students in school.

Tuesday 5 January
Children of keyworkers start attend school and attend their normal lessons. Children of keyworkers attending will be greeted at student services and directed to rooms to register. Some work will be provided for exam groups via Go4Schools.

Wednesday 6 January
Years 10, 11, 12 & 13 will attend their normal timetabled lessons online with their teacher using Google Classroom.
Years 7,8,9 will have work set according to their usual timetabled lessons on Go4Schools.

Thursday 7 & Friday 8 January will be the same as Wednesday 6 January


Monday 11 January to Friday 15 January
Children of keyworkers, Year 11 & 13 attend school as normal. Registration will take place in lesson 1 classrooms not in tutor rooms.
Years 12, 10, 9, 8 and 7 will receive online lessons as per their timetable delivered by their teacher. 


From Monday 18 January All Year groups will attend school as normal. Registration as normal in tutor groups.



All public exams scheduled for January will go ahead as planned. Subject teachers will confirm with students the arrangements for any additional online revision sessions. This is for students in Y12 & 13 Business, Y12 & 13 Health & Social Care, Y13 Sport, Y13 Forensic Science, Y10 & 11 Media, Y12 Maths Resit and Y10 Engineering.

During this period we will be testing students and staff, if permission has been given as per the letter you received on 28 December, a copy of the letter is linked to this page. If you still wish to give permission for your child to be tested please complete this online form

A detailed schedule for this testing will be sent to you at the start of next week.

If you would like your child to attend school as part of our programme for children of keyworkers please email An updated list of who this provision is for, including students who may have difficulty engaging with remote education at home (for example due to a lack of devices or quiet space to study) is available at

If you have any questions please contact us.

We are so grateful for all the support that students and their families have given us during this most difficult of years and we wish you a very happy and safe new year.

With very best wishes from Thomas Gainsborough School.