We currently have vacancies on the Thomas Gainsborough School Governing Body.
School governors represent England’s largest group of volunteers (currently some 300,000 strong), who are dedicated to school improvement. Governors make important decisions with regard to the running of the school - that is, with regard to curriculum, pupil targets, school improvement, budget, staffing, health and safety, management of premises …
If all this sounds rather daunting, remember that school governors are drawn from all walks of life and no specialist knowledge is required. There is a great deal of training that is provided for Governors throughout the County but also, what skills do you already possess that you feel you could lend to your local school as part of your time as a Governor, what difference do you consider you could make, give it some thought!
Governing bodies act corporately and are collectively responsible for decisions. The emphasis is very much on collaboration with other governors and the Headteacher. The amount of time devoted to governance varies, but an average might be one or two governing body meetings per term, plus one or two committee meetings.
Governors report that they derive a range of personal benefits from the work - indeed, many find the role enormously rewarding and stay with the same school for years. Governors also report immense satisfaction that, in giving up a few hours a term, they can help make a real difference to children’s lives.
If you interested, please contact Mrs Sue Leon, Chair of Governors or Mrs Kerry Fuller, Heads’ PA for further information.
Tel:01787 375232