Dear families
Re: Consultation on the admission arrangements for Thomas Gainsborough School
To meet the 7-year statutory period requirement in the School Admissions Code, the governing body and Thomas Gainsborough School are consulting on the admission arrangements for the 2025/2026 school year and beyond.
The 6-week minimum consultation period starts today on 15th December 2023 and closes on 29th January 2024.
A copy of the proposed admissions policy is available on our website at for your information.
The Admissions Code states that “there is a requirement that Admission Authorities MUST consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period''. This consultation is written to meet that requirement and NO changes are being recommended or proposed to the current policy.
Suffolk County Council will continue to co-ordinate the admission arrangements for the normal year of entry (Year 7 for secondary schools), Thomas Gainsborough School will continue to administer in year applications.
If you wish to comment on the proposed admissions arrangements, please send your response in writing for the attention of Mrs Yapp, Headteacher via
Comments should be received no later than 29th January 2024, 3.30pm.
The consultation is being communicated by the School as follows:
Notification to Suffolk County Council
Notification to Essex County Council
Notifications to local education settings (Primary and Secondary)
Notification to all families of students at Thomas Gainsborough School
Publication on the school website
On conclusion of the consultation, all responses will be collated and presented to the governing body and Unity Schools Partnership for consideration. The outcome of the consultation will be posted on the school website along with the final admissions policy for 2025/26.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Christian Appleford
Deputy Headteacher