Christmas Events 2023

We wanted to make you aware of several events running in school during December.

Christmas Lunch, Weds 13 Dec, Lunch

Our Christmas lunch at school this year will be on Wednesday 13 December. 

The cost of the lunch will be £4.50 - students entitled to Free School Meals will not need to pay but must book their dinner. 

There will be no other food options available in the Lightwell but students will still be able to purchase food from the other outlets. 

Please complete the online booking form here and pay via school gateway before Wednesday 6 December to book your meal.

Christmas Fayre, Th 14 & Fr 15 Dec, lunchtime

This event runs over two lunchtimes - Thursday 14 and Friday 15 December, where we will have small stalls for students to purchase items or play games for a small charge. Students may wish to bring in some extra money on these days. The stalls are run by students themselves and any additional donations of small prizes or sweets would be a great help. All of the money raised from the fayre goes towards the five House Charities;

  • Abbas ~ Edens Project
  • Chamberlain ~ Unicef
  • Houghton ~ Suffolk Young Carers
  • Peyton ~ Spaniel Aid UK
  • Tollemache ~ My Wish

Christmas Jumper Day, Fri 15 Dec

On Friday 15 December, students will be able to wear non-uniform provided they wear something festive, for the donation of £1 - again, this money will go towards our House Charities.

Please Note: No crop tops, low cut tops or offensive slogan clothing will be permitted.