Course leader: Mr M Johnston -
Examination Board: Pearson Edexcel


Paper 1 (Non-Calculator) 

Paper 2 (Calculator) 

Paper 3 (Calculator) 

GCSE Maths is assessed via three 1hr 30min papers (one non-calculator paper and two calculator paper).  Each paper is out of 80 marks.  We use the exam board Edexcel.

Specialist equipment needed for examinations

Black Pen, Pencil, Ruler, Protractor, Compasses and Scientific calculator (for the calculator papers)

Additional support being provided by school

Mathematics Intervention Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:10 pm to 4:10 pm

Holiday revision session timings will be emailed to parents.

How parents and carers can best support their child


  1. Ensure their child has created and is following a revision timetable.

  2. Buy a revision guide and workbook.  (Available from the Maths department for £3 each)

  3. Encourage the use of online and paper resources supplied by TGS Maths department.

  4. Ensure your child completes practice exam papers that are supplied and creates a list of topics they need to revise.

Websites - 5 questions to complete each day at a targeted level username is school username@tgschool  password is Password1 username is tgschool password is lemon

Decide Commit Succeed


Revision Activity 

Skill Developed

Exam/Topic Link

Useful learning Link

SPARX - Use previous RAG sheets to access independent learning activities.

Recall and practise 


Purchase a revision guide and workbook from your Maths teacher

Recall and practise 



Use online revision tools to improve weaknesses identified from previous assessments (RAG sheets in books)

Recall and practise 
