Ref: HYa 24th July 2018
Dear Parent/Guardian
Year 8 Residential Paris Trip, May Half Term 2019
Following on from the success of the trip in May this year, we would like to invite your son/daughter to attend a residential trip to Paris next Summer. The trip is an opportunity for our Year 8 students to be immersed in French culture and take in some famous land marks and sights and forms part of our trips and visits strategy published on the school’s website. We will be working with NST, an educational travel company, to run the trip.
The trip will be over five days and four nights, over the Summer Half term holiday, from Monday 27th to Friday 31st May 2019. Over the five days, students will have a full itinerary providing them with an extensive range of experiences from cruising down the Seine River, climbing the Eifel Tower, visiting the Sacre Coeur and Montmatre and spending a day in Disneyland Paris.
The cost of the trip will be £430 which includes all activities, travel and accommodation, as well as half board catering. Students can secure their place on the trip with a £50 deposit which will be on a first come first served basis. The deposit becomes non-refundable once your son/daughter has secured a place on the trip. As the trip is during the holiday time and not a direct part of the curriculum, the school reserves the right to refuse permission to take part to any student who’s record of behaviour suggests they may be a risk to the well-being of other students and smooth running of the trip.
If you are happy for your son/daughter to attend, please complete the reply slip below, along with cash or a cheque for £50 made payable to the Unity Schools Partnership and return to Ms Griss in Student Services no later than Thursday 13th September 2018.
More information will be provided following the Summer holidays but if you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact me on the main school number or via email
Mrs H Yapp
Deputy Headteacher
Reply slip
Thomas Gainsborough School Year 8 Residential Paris Trip, May Half Term 2019
Student Name _____________________________ Tutor Group __________________
I would like my son/daughter to attend the above trip and enclose a non-refundable £50 deposit of cash/cheque (made payable to Unity Schools Partnership).
Parent / Guardian name, please PRINT _____________________________________________
Signed Parent / Guardian _________________________ Date _______________________
(Please return to Ms Griss in Student Services no later than Thursday 13th September 2018)