Dear Parent/Guardian
I am pleased to inform you that 10X (Mr Bennett) and 10W (Mrs Kelly) Groups will visit Walton-on-the-Naze on Monday 3rd June for a Geography Field Trip on the physical geography and fieldwork units.
Students will undertake work related to GCSE Physical Geography and Fieldwork units, students will complete mapping work, surveys and questionnaires for their GCSE Geography work assessment for paper three in year 11.
Departure time will be 9 am (meet in the Lightwell at 8.45 am to be registered) and we will return by 3.10 pm for the end of the school day. Students will be working outside all day and will therefore need to bring layers, sun cream and waterproof clothing and sturdy shoes as the weather can be unpredictable. Please be aware students will continue their work in the rain if this is the case. School uniform does not need to be worn (as the work involves beach surveys).
Your child will need to bring a pen/pencil and a packed lunch. Students who are entitled to free school meals, will be provided with a free packed lunch. They will however need to bring a drink with them. Please inform us by Wednesday 22nd May so we can let the kitchen know.
A voluntary contribution of £6.35 is required towards the cost of this visit.
This is an educational visit and the school expects students to behave in a responsible manner at all times and accept staff instructions without question. We ask that you re-enforce the requirement for exemplary behaviour before your son/daughter takes part in this visit.
Please return the attached Parental Consent Form along with your voluntary contribution to Mrs Griss at Student Services by Wednesday 22nd May. If you require further information please contact me via the main school number or email at school.
Yours sincerely
M Watkins
Teacher of Geography
Reply Slip:
Please return payment and reply slip to Mrs Griss at Student Services by 22nd May 2019..
Thomas Gainsborough School
Walton-on-the-Naze – Year 10 Geography Field Trip
Monday 3rd June 2019
I/We give permission for my/our son/daughter to take part in the visit to Walton-on-the-Naze on Monday 3rd June 2019.
I/We enclose £6.35 cash/cheque (cheques to be made payable to Unity Schools Partnership).
Packed lunch required (if entitled to Free School Meals) Yes/No
Student Name _________________________________ Tutor Group ________________
Signed (Parent or Guardian) ______________________ Date _______________________
Emergency Contact ______________________________ Tel No _____________________
Medical Information _____________________________________________________________________