Dear families,

It was lovely to welcome so many families to our Year 7 parents evening this week and it has been wonderful to witness the  confidence and resilience of our students during this hectic exam week. Our House Assemblies have also been wonderful as our new student leadership for each House has been announced and the Deputy Head boy and girl for 2024/25. The newly elected Sixth Form Head Students also spoke about their vision and purpose for the forthcoming year.

Y10 Family Forum

We are looking forward to welcoming families to our forum on Tuesday 21 May, in the main assembly hall, starting at 6pm. You can access the building either through the main reception or by the piano entrance. 

We will have teachers and leaders available to inform parents about the forthcoming Year 10 exams and to answer any questions. We will also explore the next steps available to students beyond Year 11 and how careers activities support students in considering these next steps.

A reminder as well that information about the range of assessments Y10s have this term, and tasks to help them prepare are at, 

Y11 Half Term Revision Sessions

During the half term we will be offering some Chemistry, English, Physics and Maths revision sessions for our Y11 exam students. Please follow the link to see what is on offer, and to fill in the online form so we can plan for the correct numbers.

There are also still tasks being set for students via Go4Schools and listed for students at - maintaining a healthy balance of preparation and relaxation remains important, and additional, well planned revision at home and in school still has a big impact on students confidence and performance. 

All Communications Survey Response

Thank you to those families who took the time to respond to our communications survey. We are keen to keep on improving and listening to how we can do things better.

The regular emails and the website remain the most valued method of finding and receiving information, and the appreciation of these has increased. The specific suggestions we received are especially helpful, and for example we will highlight in the headings of the email which year groups each message refers to.

We were also very pleased to see how many of you have found communication to your child's tutor to be the most useful way of contacting school. Your child's tutor remains vital all the way through school and Sixth Form and as they see your child for 30 minutes each morning, for a range of activities, they can often help with either answering your question, signposting to the right team in school, and helping to encourage and monitor positive behaviours such as homework and joining in the richness of school life through careers, clubs and competition. 

If you do ever find that communication is slower than you need then please remember we have information on communication at, about Leadership and Head of House responsibilities at and all staff contact details at - we also provide some team email addresses such as and if you have specific questions.

Our parent events are all highly valued, with subject consultations and family forums the most appreciated regular events, and open and options evenings viewed as the most helpful annual events.

If you do have any other questions or suggestions about our communications, then please email us to

Supporting Families - Free Activities for May Half Term

We have received information from Suffolk County Council about free activities for children and families during May half term.

These activities are primarily for children entitled to Free School Meals - approval will also be considered for young people in the following categories:

  • Eligible for means tested free school meals - Pupil Premium (Not KS1 universal free school meals)

  • Looked after child (LAC)

  • Child protection plan in place

  • Refugees

To book visit: 

Any questions or queries please get in touch by emailing:  providing the session they want to book and the town they live in. Or call: 01284 757495 leave their name, number, town and session they want to book. (Voicemails are checked on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursday)

All Parents Exam Support Online Parent Session - Monday 20 May

OM, our health and wellbeing partner, have kindly organised another online session for parents and carers at 6pm on Monday 20 May. 

Parents who have joined previously have  appreciated Genine and Annie's wise words and how the strategies linked to the sessions they had held in schools. Hopefully, we will be able to support further families -  whatever year group their children may be in.  

Link to session -