Dear Families,

Year 9 “Out to Work Day” Photos

After so many students enjoyed their recent enrichment day researching careers or visiting workplaces we would like to share some of the experiences. If you have any photos of your young person on their “Out to Work” day could you please email them to as we would like to add them to the next portrait magazine. These can also be used as evidence towards their employability half ribbon.


Please encourage your young person to spend a few minutes looking through the careers newsletter each week to see if there are any school workshops, work experience, sector focused careers events etc that will help them explore ideas for future areas of work and help them make decisions. This can always be accessed from our website at or directly on Padlet at

Year 11 and 13 Photographs

Students looked amazing on Monday for their individual and group Year 11 and 13 photographs. These can now be viewed and ordered online direct from Van Coles. If you child has lost their card with the code then please contact the front office, by email to, who will be able to give you a new code. Deadline for orders is Friday 5th April 2024.

Wednesday 17 April Assessments in the Sports Hall for Year 8 & Year 9

We regularly give students assessments on what they have been studying. Results of these are available to you via Go4Schools, and feedback is visible in students books and on their marked assessments. No single assessment determines fully how well a child has progressed, but over the course of a year, in a variety of subjects we gain an accurate picture. These combined assessments help us ensure suitable groups for the following year to provide the most effective challenge and support to all students.

On Wednesday 17 April we will have our next Key Stage 3 assessments in the Sports Hall. This gives students the opportunity to gain confidence in working in the space where they will complete their end of Year 11 exams.

Year 9 students will be assessed on both their critical and creative writing ability and their maths, while Year 8 students will complete a short science assessment. Full details of these are shared by subject teachers with students, along with instructions on how best to prepare.

Reports for Year 8, 10 and 12

This week we shared Year 8, 10 and 12 Progress Checks, which include comments, judgements on their curriculum security and their approach to learning, along with information on behaviour and attendance. You can also view this information on Go4Schools.

Year 8 Subject Teacher Evening

After Easter, on Tuesday 16 April, from 4pm to 7pm, Year 8 subject teachers will be available to meet with families in person or online. As appointments are limited, teachers will first select students where they believe that the conversation would be most valuable. Every student will have at least two appointments, with additional unused appointments available to book closer to the event. Please, wherever possible, keep this date available to meet with teachers.

You are also welcome to contact teachers or tutors by email, or to arrange a meeting, at anytime.

Water Aid Non-Uniform Day

Along with a public speaking event on Monday, TGS's Got Talent, Sports fixtures and training, and the Splendid drama trip, a highlight this week has been assemblies led by one of our incredible Sixth Form students. Students have learned about the importance, across the world, of access to clean water and how it supports people's dignity, health, education and breaks the cycle of poverty. Thank you to all the students who chose to wear blue items and contributed money and support today. If you would like to know more and would consider making a donation you can find out more at

Reminders about Uniform and Equipment Expectations

Sadly, for a minority of students, there is a growing lack of care and respect that some students show towards their learning. While our young people develop greater confidence and independence, they still benefit greatly from your support in being prepared for a successful day at school each and every day.

This means arriving to school, on time, in the correct uniform and with a pen, pencil, ruler and other equipment in a pencil case.

A reminder of our uniform expectations are on our website at We appreciate that students grow, sometimes quickly, but we ask that you use this weekend and Easter as an opportunity to check that your child has appropriately fitting uniform, has equipment and understands our expectations which are explained in student planners and on our website.

These clear expectations help make school a positive and happy place for our students. Tutors and teachers check uniform and equipment regularly and will issue warnings for any breaches.

Year 11 Exam Information Family Forum on Tuesday 26 March, 6pm

On Monday students will receive their exam timetables, and also have an assembly to give them the latest information on revision and the exams processes.

On Tuesday evening our next Family Forum, at 6pm in the assembly hall will focus on final revision activities and the exams. We would encourage all parents of Year 11 students to join us. There will be brief presentations on student wellbeing, effective study activities, exam routines and the chance to ask any questions.

Students and families have also received information about Science and Maths online masterclasses and Easter revision sessions. You can find all the details on our website, and book for Easter at:

TGS's Got Talent

We are so proud of all our students, and it has been a real joy to see so many of them grow in confidence and shine in this week's heats of TGS’s Got Talent . The final takes place on Thursday 28 March at 6pm. Tickets cost £2.50 per student £5 per adult, and tickets can be purchased from the School Payment Gateway at

Suffolk Libraries Day 2024

And finally, we'd like to encourage you all to support Suffolk Libraries by joining them to celebrate Suffolk Libraries Day this weekend. Details are on the website - In Great Cornard, at our school library, there will be on Saturday a spring-themed activities day, and on Sunday a charity bake sale. All the details are at

Whether you are reading, baking, taking part in sport or family activities, alongside homework, revision or shopping for new uniform or equipment we wish you a wonderful weekend.