January 2018
Dear Student/Parent/Guardian
Day Trip to Venice Friday 2nd March 2018
As part of our enrichment programme, we are inviting our Year 13 students to attend a day trip to Venice on Friday the 2nd March 2018.
The day will commence with a with an early morning flight from Stansted at 06.20am. Students will need to arrive at Stansted and meet waiting staff in departures at 04.30am. The flight returns to Stansted at 23.20pm. Students will need to make arrangements to be dropped off and collected from Stansted. We have looked into providing a coach transfer from/to school, but this option was very expensive. This alternative arrangement allows us to reduce the cost of the trip, therefore making it more financially viable to students.
Whilst in Venice we will be sightseeing in and around St Mark’s Square, including a visit to the Basilica which includes climbing the bell tower, which has spectacular views of Venice. We also hope to arrange a walking tour around Venice, so comfortable footwear is required! Students may wish to take a packed lunch and a small amount of Euros for refreshments during the day. Students will need to be in possession of a valid in date passport.
The cost of this trip is £110 which includes return flight, transport whilst in Venice and sight-seeing activities.
All students wishing to attend the trip need to complete and return the reply slip attached to this letter and deposit payment of £50 by Monday 22nd January please. Providing we have sufficient numbers and assuming flight availability plus no increase in fares, flights will be booked by Wednesday 24th January.
This is an educational visit and the school expects students to behave in a responsible manner
at all times and accept staff instructions without question. We ask that you re-enforce the requirement for exemplary behaviour before your son/daughter takes part in this visit.
Yours sincerely
Kenny Alexander
Director of Sixth Form
YEAR 13 Day Trip to Venice
Friday 2nd March 2018
I/we give permission for my/our son/daughter to take part in the Venice Trip on Friday 2nd March 2018. I/we will ensure that he/she arrives/departs Stansted Airport at the required times.
I/we enclose a deposit payment of £50
Student Name: --------------------------------------------- Tutor Group:--------------------
(As printed on passport)
Student Mobile number ----------------------------------
Signed (Parent/Guardian)---------------------------------
Emergency Contact Name -------------------------------- Tel No: --------------------------
Please indicate below if there are any medical conditions that the member of staff organising
the visit should be aware of.
Please return this slip and payment to Mrs King in the Sixth Form Office by Monday 22nd January 2018.