Course leader: Mrs Joanna Perkins-Taylor -
Examination Board: WJEC Eduqas


The course is assessed 100% by external examination. Marks are awarded for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar in the extended answer questions each exam.

Paper 1: Component 1: Investigating Geographical Issues Examination: 1 hour 45 minutes. 40%.Three structured data response questions assessing content from across the three themes of the course. The final part of each question will require an extended response

Paper 2: Component 2: Problem Solving Geography Examination: 1 hour 30 minutes.  30%. This component will assess content from across the themes using a variety of structured data response questions. The final part of the paper will require students to choose a solution and justify their choice in an extended response. 

Paper 3: Component 3: Applied Fieldwork Enquiry Examination: 1 hour 30 minutes. 30%. A written examination in three parts using a variety of structured data response questions some of which will require extended responses. Assessing students approach to fieldwork, and understanding of how fieldwork could be used to investigate geographical concepts. The third section will assess the application of broad geographical concepts to a wider UK context and assess the ability to make and justify a decision.

Additional support being provided by school

Pocket posters revision guides have been purchased for every student. Students have access to an online system to learn and test their knowledge and understanding. 

A summary of the specification and key learning has been provided to every student so they can 'RAG' rate their understanding and plan their revision. 

Access to Seneca Learning, a useful interaction online platform which is used in homework tasks and can be accessed independently. 

Every lesson includes either detailed knowledge checks or exam practice.

Key word sheets and topic sheets have been provided to students for all aspects of the specification.

A range of revision resources uploaded to google classroom to complete and links to work booklets on Decide, Commit, Succeed (see below). 

Geography intervention every Tuesday and Wednesday 3:10-4:10

How parents and carers can best support their child

  • Encourage students to complete revision booklets - revising for short periods frequently. They can also practice some sample exam questions (there are lots on the Eduqas B website and students have them from lessons). Timed = a mark a minute. 
  • Encourage them to keep up to date with current affairs from the news and discuss the geography all around them. 
  • Using the revision guide, course summary, key word sheets test them on key words, case studies, concepts and processes.
  • Encourage students to attend revision / intervention sessions regularly.



Pocket Posters:

BBC bitesize WJEC:

Eduqas B WJEC: Knowledge organisers

Eduqas B WJEC: Online interactive learning

Decide Commit Succeed


Revision Activity 

Skill Developed 

Exam/Topic Link

Useful learning Link


Watch and create mind maps

Describe and explain key concepts, processes, theories. 

Evaluate - weigh up strategies/ solutions 

Evidence your points with examples of place and events. 

All topics year 10-11

Paper 1 & 2 can include any topic

Paper 3 is geog skills, fieldwork 


Link to Geogflix


Revision workbook

Seneca Units 3.1 and 3.2 

Read Pocket poster revision book and online questions. 

Characteristics and distribution of each biome 

Human and physical influences on each biome 

Problem solve - issues of desertification - link to climate change - migration - development 

Conservation issues.  Sustainability concept

Ecosystems: semi arid grasslands rainforests, 

process of desertification

Link to workbook 

Link to Pocket poster - 

Geography GCSE 

Climate change 

revision workbook

Seneca Unit 2.5 Climate change 

Read Pocket poster revision book and online. 

Processes of natural and human climate change 

Evidence of climate change 

Causes and effects of climate change 

Mitigating and adapting to climate change - individual scale and international (global/government) scale. 

Links to desertification, extreme weather, coasts & flooding

Climate change


Link to workbook 

Link to pocket poster revision - 

Geography GCSE 


revision workbook

Seneca 2.1 UK coastal landscapes units 

Seneca  2.2 UK coastal management 

Physical processes of erosion, transportation and deposition. 

Landforms of erosion and deposition 

Strategies to manage coastal erosion and flooding. 

Sustainability concept 

Links to climate change 


Case studies - Holderness Coast UK


Link to workbook 

Link to pocket poster revision - 

Geography GCSE 


revision workbook

Seneca - 2.3 .River Landscapes

Processes of erosion, transportation, deposition 

Landforms of erosion and deposition 

Causes, effects and responses to floods 

Evaluate strategies of flood management - sustainability

Case studies - 

Boscastle flash flood 

Somerset Levels - seasonal flood 

Link to workbook 

Pocket poster - 

Geography GCSE