Course leader: Mrs J Arrow,
Examination Board: WJEC Eduqas
Component 1: Devising Theatre: Practical & Written Assessment 40%
Component 2: Practical Script Assessment
Component 3: ‘Interpreting Theatre’ (40%) - Length of Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes
Additional support being provided by school
Additional rehearsals for Component 1 are being offered after school.
Component 3: written support will be offered to students individually on arrangement with Ms Arrow.
How parents and carers can best support their child
Please encourage students to complete their portfolio in readiness for submission in Decemer.
Please allow students to attend any extra rehearsals their group requires.
Students will be preparing for their written exam over the winter break. Please encourage them to use the following resources.
Noughts & Crosses - Education pack in resources
Frankenstein - download from resources.
Decide Commit Succeed
Revision Activity |
Skill Developed |
Exam/Topic Link |
Useful learning Link |
Read through your Year 10 paper. Select 2 questions to rewrite and improve |
Recall of plot and characters |
C3 Written exam |
Make notes on the original staging of Noughts & Crosses using the Eduqas revision guide (follow the link) |
Note taking Research |
C3 Written exam | |
Design a set design for Noughts & Crosses. Use the Eduqas revision link on pages 4&5 to help you. Justify your choices |
Creativity Imagination Justification |
C3 written exam | |
Read elements of movement section on page 12 and complete the tasks on pages 13-14 |
Creativity Justification |
C3 written exam | |
Rewatch your 3 key scenes from Frankenstein and answer the following questions:
Evaluation Analysis |
C3 Written exam section B |
Link on Google Classroom |