Course leader: Miss M Tolhurst, 
Teachers: Mr C Ryall, & Mr W Ponsford,
Examination Board: Edexcel


Paper 1 - Investigating small business- Written paper, 90 Marks, 1 Hour 45 minutes.
Paper 2 -Building a business- Written paper, 90 Marks, 1 Hour 45 minutes.
Both papers contain a mixture of multiple choice, short answer and longer written
questions. There is no controlled assessment or coursework

Additional support being provided by school

Google Classrooms set up for each class with work being set in line with resources and instructions clearly laid out. 

How parents and carers can best support their child

Encourage regular use of:

  • Regular reading of
  • Seneca website  - a very useful interactive site.
  • Use of the glossary provided to develop the use of specialist vocabulary.
  • Revisiting of previous units to help with developing links between topics.
  • Develop the ability to use chains of reasoning 
  • Completing timed exam question responses (minute a mark) 

Register student’s revision guide at the link below for a free set of revision cards


Decide Commit Succeed

Revision Activity 

Skill Developed

Exam/Topic Link

Useful learning Link

Exam Technique

In both exam papers there is a variety of questions from multiple choice to 12 markers. On Google Classroom there are a videos and practice questions.

Recall & Practice

Technique is used in both exam papers

Under the heading ‘exam technique’ in google classroom

Revision Guide

Student’s have been issued with a collins revision guide they can use this to read, recall and practice exam questions. They can also register their book for a free set of revision flashcards on

Read, Recall & Practice

Revision for paper 1 & 2

Two Teachers

This is a useful resource of video’s which link to topics throughout year 10 and 11 content. Students should use the videos to take note a recall knowledge.

Note taking & Recall

Revision for paper 1 & 2



Learning Mats

These revision mats are available on the Google Classroom and are a set of revision questions for each topic to practice questions.

Recall & Practice

Revision for paper 1 & 2


Using page 139 in the Collins revision guide and Seneca

Recall & Practice

Revision for paper 1 & 2